Mobile500 Alliance

On September 8, 2010, the Mobile500 Alliance was formed by a coalition of leading television broadcasters to accelerate the availability of mobile digital television, or Mobile DTV, a service to consumers nationwide.

The Alliance currently has 50 member companies which hold licenses to 437 television stations. The current DTV signals of these stations reach 94% of US TV households.

The Mobile 500 Alliance brings together leading broadcasters in a collective, focused effort to accelerate the nationwide availability of Mobile DTV service.

Mobile DTV enables consumers to watch live television on their laptops, smart phones and other mobile devices, as well as out-of-home platforms such as billboards and vehicles, all using a broadcast signal and without using the bandwidth of wireless providers.

Over-the-air television delivered to mobile and out-of-home devices in local markets will meet the growing demand of on-the-go consumers, and it will expand upon the one-to-many efficiencies provided by local broadcasters.

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