As you have probably heard, the coupons are arriving.  According to the NTIA, they will be sent out based on the date of application and in the order in which the applications were recieved.  They are going to be mailed on a staggered basis, not all at once and delivered by the U.S. Postal Service.  Please note that they expire in 90 days.

Several converter boxes have been added to the CECB (Coupon-Eligible Converter Box) list over the past 2 weeks bringing the total to 54.  Unfortunatly, several of the boxes are hard to find or not being sold yet.  We have some retailer information on this page:

The Channel Master CM-7000 is finally on the approved CECB  list and available for purchase:
Channel Master CM-7000

Converter Box Reviews:

We will not post reviews of converter boxes by non-professionals because it is too subjective. You can find that type of information on Internet forums discussing the topic. Consumer Reports just came out with reviews of a few boxes.
Consumer Reports Converter Box Reviews

Non-Coupon Eligible Converter Boxes:

We are still getting a lot of questions about the converter boxes and what features they have. All (CECBs) coupon-eligible converter boxes must have the same basic, NTIA required features . Some of those boxes have additional features that are allowed by the NTIA such as analog pass-through, S-video, smart antenna, longer EPGs etc.  See the Additional Features Matrix

Explanation of Converter Box Features

There are many great features such a QAM tuner, Component Outputs and HDMI Connections that are NOT included in the coupon-eligible converter boxes. There are several converter boxes on the market that do have these added features, but you can't use the coupons.

If you choose to buy one of these boxes that will replace the CECB,
here are a few non-coupon eligible converter boxes:

Grandtec Tun-5000
Samsung DTBH260F  
Tivax STB-T1
Winegard RC-1010

We  have User Manuals for these boxes:

Feel free to Contact Us with comments or questions.


Ken from EZ Digital TV